更新时间: 2017-09-01 17:17
本章字数: 637
witch on the power line......(接上电源....)
Remember to put on PROTECTION......(记得装备好绝缘护具......)
Lay down your pieces......(摆好棋子......)
And let's begin......(开始吧......)
OBJECT CREATION......(对象生成.....)
Fill in my data parameters......(输入我的参数......)
Switch my current......(切换我的电流......)
To AC to DC......(从交流到直流......)
Switch my gender......(切换我的性别......)
To F to M......(从女到男......)
And then do whatever......(只做想做的事......)
From AM to PM......(从早到晚......)
Oh switch my role......(切换我的角色......)
To S to M......(从施虐者到被虐者......)
Intelligent robot β(智慧型机器人β)
From today on ,I will be at your service,but...... (从今天开始为您服务,但......)
From now on, there is no turning back(从现在开始就没有回头路了)